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Uplifting Creative Expression is Spiritual Warfare

Writer's picture: Naeemah ShakirNaeemah Shakir

In this quest to be free of the bondage of toxic, traumatic relationships, the Lord has provided many avenues for healing. 

One avenue is that of artistic expression (visual, literary, and performance).

I see the image above and I think about the effort it takes to be creative when trying to survive and when trying to come out of survival/wounded/traumatized mode.

It gives me an even greater appreciation for the contributions of artists like my daughter, Yasmin, @artbyyasminnn

It underscores that not only the ability to create, but also in a way that is elevating and encouraging is warfare against the effects of trauma. Artists who are survivors are creativity soldiers. Uplifting creativity is spiritual warfare.

Contemplating this image and my daughter's artwork, I have a renewed understanding and appreciation of the healing/cathartic nature of art expression as therapy. 

It is a fight for, yea a reclamation of, a part of oneself that mirrors the beauty and power of the Ultimate Creator.

The enemy, in his mission to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10), uses trauma to try to kill in us one of the greatest reflections of our likeness in the Lord - as Creator. Wow! Powerful!

To create through art is to reflect and honor one of the most incredible attributes of our God - Creator. 

To create in a way that shares the peace, love, and tranquility of beauty is to reflect our wonderful God.

To share creations in a way that give hopeful perspective to struggle is God work.


To create from a place of vulnerability opens up and invites into a safe space of empathy the weary and bruised and forsaken. In this space, God embraces and soothes the brokenhearted. 

To create, as artists like my daughter do, is to do one's part - a part we are all called to champion - to reveal the character and glory of God. 

To participate in the deep reflection and healing work required to present this kind of art, the artist honors her unique part in cooperating with the mission of Christ's life and death, which is to reconcile us in every way to our Creator.

To create in the midst of pain and recovery, is to powerfully declare one's faith in God and that one's ability to create will not be harnessed, diminished, or annihilated by that pain. 

To create from this tender, empathetic place is to abandon fear and exhibit love (2 Tim 1:7)

Where suffering/survival/recovery may inhibit others, the creations of these special art soldiers manifest the truth that God creates AND REcreates the one who is in Him.

They, through their creations, declare that anyone in Christ is a new Creation. The old has passed away (2 Cor 5:17).

Their creations stand as powerful manifestations of the belief that greater is He in us than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4).

Their creations represent a depth of strength, resilience, and courage that few have.

Their art, expressed through the variety of creativity, declares that God Restores (Psalms 71:20-21). 

These artists, through their creations, declare that God makes all things new (Rev 21:5) and that healing is possible (Psalms 147:3). 

They, through their creations, declare that God gives beauty for ashes (Isaiah 61:3).

It makes me want to shout!! Glory to God!!!

If you are such an artist, I pray the Lord continues to bless you as you continue your creative journey. You make a difference, and your contributions are powerful. Keep going; you are doing God's work! In the safe spaces you create, you are allowing God to use for good what the enemy meant for evil, for the saving of many souls (Genesis 50:20).

Always remember: Your voice matters. Your story matters. You matter. Your valley will be exalted and your triumph will bring glory to God. 

How has art therapy blessed you? I'd love to hear about it!

art used by permission.

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