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Naeemah Shakir
8 min read
Every Valley Shall Be Exalted
As an extension of Exalted Valley Ministries, this blog serves to bear fruit for the vision to see every woman walk in her unique...

Naeemah Shakir
3 min read
God Protects our Children
I shared the post that follows on another platform recently and I want to share it here, as well. I pray that it is an encouraging...

Naeemah Shakir
3 min read
Uplifting Creative Expression is Spiritual Warfare
In this quest to be free of the bondage of toxic, traumatic relationships, the Lord has provided many avenues for healing. One avenue is...

Naeemah Shakir
2 min read
"You Should Have Used Your Voice"
You should have used your voice. Have you ever heard that comment in response to your toxic marriage ending? It can be frustrating to...

Naeemah Shakir
2 min read
It Could Be Worse
It could be worse. That's a statement victims of abuse sometimes say to themselves and it is also what well-meaning individuals sometimes...

Naeemah Shakir
4 min read
"What Part Did You Play?"
Have you heard people ask individuals who have experienced divorce to consider the part they played in the demise of their marriage? If...

Naeemah Shakir
4 min read
Perspective on a Divorce Trial
When mediation (which is a thoroughly unproductive circus with a narcissist) inevitably failed, and my attorney told me we needed to...

Naeemah Shakir
1 min read
New Year. Still Enough.
As we say hello to a new year, I just want to remind you that you are enough. Right now. In this moment. You are enough. Yesterday you...

Naeemah Shakir
2 min read
"His Side, Her Side, & the Truth"
One of the most maddening, saddening things for a victim of abuse to hear is the statement: "There are three sides to every story: his...

Naeemah Shakir
6 min read
The Damage of A Faulty "New Paradigm"
I'd like to address the position shared by Dr. Sandoval of New Paradigm Ministries in his book, The Law of Life: God created us as...

Naeemah Shakir
5 min read
Tips for Healing from Childhood & Adulthood Trauma - Part 1
I would like to share a few tips from my own recovery journey that have helped me heal from trauma experienced in childhood and...

Naeemah Shakir
2 min read
Trauma's Impact on A Child's Developing Brain
Although I understand very clearly the evil and destructive nature of a narcissistic personality disordered individual and the...

Naeemah Shakir
2 min read
What Does God Hate?
We often hear that God hates divorce. But can we also take a moment to consider what else God hates? Proverbs 6:16-19 says: There are six...

Naeemah Shakir
3 min read
Flooding the Bed with Weeping
Does this describe you? Smiling all day? Fighting through tears? Struggling to hold it together? Possibly trying to manage the pain with...

Naeemah Shakir
1 min read
The Blessing of Forgiving and Remembering
"Forgive and forget," they say. The premise is that if you forgive and forget, you are in a healthier place; you are less likely to be...

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