I shared the post that follows on another platform recently and I want to share it here, as well. I pray that it is an encouraging reminder that God IS a promise-keeper. He is good. He is mighty. He is a defender. He is victorious.
One of the enemy's goals in toxic relationships is to assail our children. As he goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he can devour, he looks for the most vulnerable among us. Praise the Lord that even though our babies are among the most vulnerable, He has raised up a standard against the enemy. He says He will contend with those who contend with us, and He will save our children. (Isa 49:5) He says even though weapons are formed against us, they will not prosper. (Isa 57:14) He says that He will flip what the devil intended for evil and make it work out for our good and His glory. (Gen. 50:20) He declares victory is HIS! (Deut. 20: 1-4)
Even though the experience is tremendously dark with the narcissist/in a toxic relationship, the Lord is with us. The Lord guides us. The Lord answers our prayers according to His incomparable wisdom, mighty power, and perfect timing.
Stay encouraged!
When I think of the goodness of God and all He's done for me, I can't help but praise Him! I thank Him for the blessing of my children. Â
Every birth is a miracle. Some births are stark reminders that the enemy sees the anointing on our children and targets them in an attempt to destroy their ability to accomplish their special assignments on the earth.
Having prayed for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, dedicating each little life to the Lord while they were yet still incubating, I would choose to fight to protect that anointing every time.
In God's hands again would I place the circumstances that led to hospital bedrest while pregnant with this precious baby at six months, 60 days of life-saving restrictions, and birth a month early.Â
In God’s power would I place my trust again when faced with a leaking amniotic sac that no medical intervention could tape, staple, or suture, believing that He could do what no man could do.
In God's declaration that her life was ordained even before conception and His promise of good plans would I place my trust again when faced with the dire prognoses pronounced on my child from multiple specialists.
To God's glory would I affirm again His power to do the impossible every time the perinatologist would visit and remark in amazement that my fluid levels were so high for a confirmed leak.
To God's glory will I repeat again and again that with Him, ALL things are possible. I praise Him for doing the impossible and sealing my womb so this precious baby could live and beautifully thrive, defying every negative medical expectation.
I praise Him for convicting me to journey the challenging, but rewarding road of homeschooling my children, convinced early that God called me to provide a distinct level of shepherding that would serve to protect their anointing.Â
I praise Him for not just preserving my baby’s life, but for guiding her to this moment in spite of all of life’s challenges. She is here and she has continued to excel. She is here and committed to being the Lord’s hands and feet as a social worker who cares about the human condition and wants to make a positive difference in the lives of His image-bearers.
Many of you joined my family and me in prayer for God to do the impossible all those years ago, and you have continued to pray. LOOK AT GOD! Look at our miracle girl! Thank you! This blessing, this victory, belongs to you, too!
A version of this testimony is also published as God of the Impossible.
Remember that Your Voice Matters, Your Story Matters, You Matter. Your valley will be exalted and your triumph will bring glory to God!
#Godistheultimatephysician #Godthemiracleworker #Godheals #ifGodisforyou #waymaker #fearfullywonderfullymade #noweaponformedshallprosper #Godrestores #answeredprayer #praisesgoupblessingscomedown #isaiah4925 #parentsareshepherds #protectannointing